By means of a design completely randomized with three repetitions, in vivo digestibility of nutrients and energy
in fishing waste silages were determined for red tilapia (
Oreochromis mossambicus
Oreochromis niloticus
). Chemical
silage prepared with sulphuric acid 98 % (20 ml/kg) and formic acid (10 ml/kg) and the biological with sugar
cane molasses (150 g/kg) and of yogurt (
Lactobacilus bulgaris
Streptococcus acidophilus
; 30 g/kg). The
chromic oxide was used as inert indicator and fecal sample were recollected by siphon from the bottom of tanks.
As a result, the apparent digestibility of some nutrients differed from silage type; meanwhile protein was bigger
for the chemical silage and the dry matter, calcium and phosphorus for the biological silage. Similar digestibility
(P>0,05) was presented for lipids, ashes and energy. In conclusion, all this showed that the fishing waste silages
present high nutritional value, that constitute an alternative- protein source in the formulation of rations for red