About Electronic Journal of Biotechnology Electronic
Journal of Biotechnology is an international
scientific electronic journal which publishes papers from all areas related to
Biotechnology. It covers from molecular biology and the chemistry of biological
process to aquatic and earth environmental aspects, as well as computational applications,
policy and ethical issues directly related to Biotechnology. Molecular biology,
genetic engineering, microbial biotechnology, plant biotechnology, animal biotechnology,
marine biotechnology, environmental biotechnology, biological processes, industrial
applications, bioinformatics and others are some of the main subjects considered.
Papers concerning multidisciplinary research are particularly welcomed. This journal
will be constrained to ethic canons. Electronic
Journal of Biotechnology provides an effective
way to publish research papers and review articles. Also short communications
are welcomed. Publication is free of charge. The articles will be managed electronically,
examined by a scientific committee and anonymous evaluators and published triannual
in HTML and PDF formats. The
journal will maintain the essential characteristics of scientific publications:
to have an Editorial Board that
evaluates the quality of the article contents, to reflect the state of the art
in sciences provided that they make an important contribution to the wealth of
knowledge in the subject. The electronic media allows us to overcome the deficiencies
of paper editions in terms of its immediateness and the incorporation of multimedia
and hypertext. Why an electronic
journal? The world has
been globalized. The digitilization of communications have made it possible. The
way of communicating, storing and processing scientific knowledge is also changing.
The scientific journal in paper edition has been for a long time the most important
media of communication of the internacional scientific community. Information
networks, multimedia developments and other technological advancements lead us
to think about the formats of the scientific publications, rescuing those essential
aspects to guarantee the seriousness and reliability of the process and incorporating
the facilities that an electronic, tridimensional, instantaneous and animated
media offers. Universidad Católica de Valparaíso and CONICYT have decided in 1997 to create
a new scientific journal in electronic format. A new publication has been created
(not by transforming a pre existing journal), in order to overcome the limitations
of the paper editions. The idea is to explore the possibilities that this new
type of format offers and maintaining all those essential elements that made the
scientific journal an efficient means dissemination of the scientific knowledge.
It pretends to incorporate the new facilities offered by a digital world and it
has, by no means, been an easy task. The
experience gathered will permit us to improve this media. Our interest is to share
this experience with other editors and to have an impact on the way that scientists
prepare scientific communications, as well as in their way of updating, reading
and studying. This new format
to publish journals can be evaluated in different ways, being some tools supplied
by scientiometrics. We ask ourselves if the traditional indicators, impact and
relevance, can be applied to an electronic journal. We also want to know to what
extent the reluctancy to change will produce a tardy reaction in the production
of reference data bases and on the subsequent indexing process of this type of
journal. Another interesting question is whether the big editorial houses, that
in many cases administer these abstracts are going to permit the proliferation
of serious publications in media not controlled by them, with low costs and a
faster capacity to publish. The
questions are many. The media is a challenge. The opportunity is ours. Further
information about the Electronic Journal of Biotechnology can be found in the
Electronic Journal of Biotechnology FAQ.