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The Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition
ISSN: 1606-0997
EISSN: 1606-0997

The peer-reviewed Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition (JHPN), incorporating the Journal of Diarrhoeal Diseases Research, is owned and published by icddr,b.

icddr,b became the focal point of the world's medical communities for developing oral rehydration therapy (ORT) which saves millions of lives each year. It is an independent, international, non-profit organization for research, education, training, clinical services, and information dissemination. Located in Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh, it is the only truly international health research institution based in a developing country. icddr,b is the first recipient of Gates Award for Global Health.

The vision of icddr,b is: Healthier people. Better lives through evidence-based solutions.

The mission of icddr,b is: We will help solve significant public health challenges facing the people of Bangladesh and beyond, especially the most vulnerable, through the generation of knowledge and its translation into policy and practice.

icddr,b's research activities now encompass a wide range of protocols with emphasis on nutrition, emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases, reproductive health, child health, case management, vaccine evaluation, population sciences, health and family-planning systems, poverty and health, HIV/AIDS, gender health and human rights, chronic diseases, and environmental health.

The Journal is published quarterly. It is indexed/abstracted by the major international indexing systems, including the Current Contents: Clinical Medicine, Research Alert, SCI Expanded, SCI JCR, Index Medicus, PubMed/MEDLINE, Google Scholar, POPLINE, Embase (Excerpta Medica database), Elsevier Biobase (Current Awareness in Biological Sciences), Elsevier GeoAbstracts, CAB Abstracts®, CAB Health®, JSTOR, etc.
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