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African Journal of Neurological Sciences
Pan African Association of Neurological Sciences
ISSN: 1015-8618


The African Journal of Neurological Sciences is devoted to the publication of papers on original work and review of all aspects of neurosciences (neurology, neurosurgery, neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, neuropathology, neurochemistry, neuroradiology, electroencephalography etc.). Papers on clinical or research studies relevant to African countries will receive particular attention. Papers should be written in English or French. Papers are accepted on the understanding that the subject matter has not been and will not be published in any other Journal. Copyright by the African Journal of Neurological Sciences. All rights reserved.

Manuscripts and correspondence should be sent to the Editor, African Journal of Neurological Sciences. P.O. Box 20413, Nairobi, Kenya. Contributions should be typewritten in double spacing on one side of the paper only. A summary of about 50 words, should appear at the beginning of each paper in English and French. A list of about six key words should follow the summary to aid future indexing and should conform when possible, to the headings of the Index Medicus.


One copy of each in the form of unmounted photographs on glossy paper should be provided.

They should be marked on the back with figure numbers, title of the paper and name of the Author. All photographs, graphs and diagrams should be referred to as figures and should be numbered consecutively in the text in Arabic numerals. The legends for illustrations should be typed on separate sheets. Tables should be numbered consecutively in the text in Arabic and each typed on separate sheets.

References should be related only to the Author's work; exhaustive lists should be avoided. References should be listed alphabetically by the Author and cited by superior number in the text. Abbreviations should conform to the style of the Index Medicus should the order, spacing and punctuations.

Proof corrections will be submitted whenever possible to contributors for minor corrections and should be returned within two weeks.

Reprints may be purchase according to schedule of prices that accompanies proofs. All reprints desired should be ordered at the time proofs are returned to Editor. Authors should submit a cheque together with their order.

Notice to Subscribers

The Journal is published bi-annually

Annual Subscription rate is 65 US dollars for one year
or KShs. 2000/- including airmail and postage.

Subscription to be addressed to:-
The Editor, The African Journal of Neurological Sciences,
P.O. Box 20413, Nairobi, Kenya.

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