Instruction for Contributors
Aims and Scope
Acta Botanica Sinica is the official publication of Botanical China. Founded in 1952, it has become a monthly journal. It publish original papers, rapid communications and reviews on all aspects science in English with Chinese abstract.The scope of this journal from modern plant science to classical botany.Papers in English are welcomed.
Submission of manuscripts
Two copies of a manuscript with original figures should be submitted to Acta Botanica Sinica editorial office, Institute of Botany, The Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xiangshan, Beijing 100093, China. All manuscripts will be reviewed by at least two scholars for a decision on acceptance, revision, or rejection within three months. After acceptance a paper will be published mainly in chronological order. The dates of receipt and acceptance will appear on the first page of the printed paper.
Preparation of manuscripts
Scientific language, nomenclature, and standard international units should be used. Plants used for the experiments must be defined by taxonomic names and authority. Concise and objective styling of each manuscript is required.
- The first page should include Title of the article, Full name(s) of the Author(s), Authors' institution(s) and address(es), Key words and Abstract. If possible, the title, key words and abstract in Chinese of the English manuscript are also required.
- Footnotes may include source of financial support, the present address and status of the author, the corresponding author and list of abbreviations used in the article.
- The paper should be divided into the following sections in general: Introduction (without heading), Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements, and References.
Group several photographs into one or more plates. The dimensions of tables, figures and plates: the maximum height is 252 mm, including the caption; width must not exceed 170 mm for full page. Color photographs can be printed, but the part of the costs for reproduction paid by the authors is higher than the black_and_white ones. (see following item)
Page proofs will be sent to the corresponding author for checking and correction of typographical errors and should be returned before the specified date.
Instructions for manuscripts submitted on diskette
Text files are required only for the accepted manuscripts, please do not send diskette until the review process has been completed. Please send only the corresponding final updated version on the diskette together with the hard copy. Please save the text documents as ASCII files (DOS or .txt files). The submission of computer_generated photographic illustration files in the .tif format is to be encouraged. Please always identify the file names. Send files by e-mail to the following address if possible: .
Thirty offprints of each article will be supplied free to the corresponding author.
Each manuscript should be submitted accompanied by a manuscript_handling fee of £100. A charge of £150 per printed page, £400 per black-and-white plate and £1500 per color plate will be levied on all manuscripts accepted.
If publication costs are a difficulty, please contact the editorial office. Authors may request that the editorial board waive the page charges under special circumstances.