Instructions for Authors Submitting to Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science:
1. All communications should be directed to the Editor BJMS at the following address:
Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science
Ibn Sina Trust
1/1 -B, Kallyanpur, Mirpur, Dhaka -1216.
Email: kholdun@hotmail.com
Tel: 88-02-9010396, Fax: 88-02-9005595.
Submission of manuscript
2. Three copies of the manuscript and a compact disk should be submitted. Each disk must be labeled with the following: Date, Name of primary author, and title of the article.
3. Submission on email instead of disk is allowed. The email address is kholdun@hotmail.com. Email submission should follow submission of three copies by post. Online submission is possible through http://banglajol.info/index.php/BJMS.
4. Submission of a paper to the journal will imply that it represents an original contribution not previously published (except in the form of an abstract or preliminary report), not being considered for publication elsewhere and if accepted by the journal it will not be published
© 2013 Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science
Last Updated: 09/09/2013