Instructions for authors
Articles submission
Articles should be written in Portuguese, English or Spanish, according to rules specified below.
Footnotes and attachments will not be accepted.
Word count includes the body of the text and the references (initial page, summary, abstract and illustrations will be considered separately).
The article must be original and intended solely to this journal. The article cannot have been submitted or be submitted to another journal during the period of analysis for publication in RBPS. In case of simultaneous submission or publication, the manuscript will be refused and returned to the authors.
All authors must have participated significantly in the work to take public responsibility for its content.
Before submitting it, all authors must have read and approved the final version. Authorship credit should be based on significant contributions during the development stages of the work (design, planning, execution, analysis and interpretation of data, drafting or review of the manuscript in an intellectually significant way).
Potential conflicts of interest (relationships between authors and companies or individuals with an interest in the material covered by the article) should be informed, as well as the research funding agencies or institutions.
By submitting the manuscripts, authors take full responsibility for its content and/or potential conflicts of interest.
Manuscripts accepted for publication are property of RBPS, being allowed its total or partial reproduction, provided that the source is acknowledged.
Rejected manuscripts will not be returned, except when requested by their respective authors.
As a matter of standardization for this journal, the editors reserve the right to make minor changes, if necessary, in writing or graphic aspects of the manuscript, however, without compromising its content.
Instructions for manuscripts submission for publication
Articles should be sent to Journal Editing Electronic System (Sistema Eletrônico de Editoração de Revistas - SEER) at the electronic address: http://ojs.unifor.br/index.php/RBPS.
Instructions for manuscript preparation
The manuscript, including illustrations and references, must be in accordance with the 'Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals', published by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (http:// www.icmje.org).
The manuscript must have the following sections:
I. COVER page;
II. Summary in Portuguese, abstract in English;
IV. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS, when strictly necessary;
V. References;
Each section should begin on a new page following the sequence previously described.
The article should be formatted for A4 paper (210x297mm), all margins of 25 mm; Times New Roman font, size 12, double space in all sections; pages numbered at the top right starting on the cover page. Microsoft Word must be used.
References should follow the Vancouver style, be in a separate section after the acknowledgements, with the same format suggested for the remainder of the article, arranged in order of appearance in the text and numbered consecutively, being mandatory the citation.
In the text, they should be cited in order of appearance using Arabic numerals, in superscripts and parentheses.
The accuracy of references and their correct citation in the text are responsibility of the author. A maximum of 20% of reference coming from books, theses and dissertations will be accepted.
Usually, the number of references should total no more than
60 citations for reviews and 40 for: a) original articles, b) case reports, c) description or evaluation of experiences, methods, techniques, procedures and tools.