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Journal of Culture Collections
National Bank for Industrial Microorganisms and Cell Cultures
ISSN: 1310-8360

Instructions to Authors

  1. Two clean copies of each manuscript written in English and typed on A4 paper, double-spaced should be submitted. Bulgarian authors should prepare one copy in Bulgarian and one copy in English.
  2. Title in capital letters should be clear and concise. Full author(s) names (including first name and family name) should be written and the author to whom correspondence is to be addressed should be indicated by asterisk, followed by the address of the appropriate institution(s) and the e-mail of the corresponding author.
  3. Manuscripts should include a summary (not larger than 200 words) in English and Bulgarian (for Bulgarian authors only), key words, introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion, literature cited. It is preferable to present "Materials and Methods" with subtitles. "Results and Discussion" may be combined or not in order to obtain better interpretation of the experimental data. The Journal of Culture Collections also publishes reviews.
  4. Tables should be explanatory enough, but as simple as possible. They should be typed double-spaced and presented on a separate sheet of paper.
  5. Figures (graphs, photographs, etc.,) should be numbered consequently and presented on a separate sheet of paper. Graphs may be drawn in black ink or computer-made. It is desirable for the graphs to be accompanied by tables with the data used for their preparation to facilitate the presentation of the graphs for publication. Photographs should be clear enough and have good contrast. Legends to the figures should be grouped on a separate sheet of paper.
  6. Latin binominals should be typed in italic and in full when first cited, and further with abbreviated first name.
  7. All abbreviations not regularly accepted should be explained when first used in the text. It is not necessary for the abbreviations cited in the summary to be explained again in the text.
  8. Units should be in accordance with the International Measurement System (SI).
  9. References should be arranged in alphabetical order. Literature cited in the text should be by numerals in square brackets.

    References should be arranged as follow:

    a. Articles from journals:

    Baker, A. M., D. E. Drapers, 1995. J. Biol. Chem., 270 (39), 22939 - 22945.

    b. Articles from contributor-type books:

    Goodfellow, M., T. Cross, 1984. Classification. In: Biology of the actinomycetes, M. Goodfellow, M. Mordarski, S. T. Williams (Eds), London: Acad. Press, 7-164.

    c. Books:

    Lewin, B., 1987. Genes, sev. edn, New York: John Wiley & Sons.

    d. Articles from scientific meetings:

    Zorenzana, Z. M., E. Beates, M. Z. Zopez, 1992. 6th International Symposium on Microbiology and Ecology, 6-11 Sept., Barcelona, Spain, abstracts, 224.

  1. Manuscripts must be also submitted on diskette or by e-mail as attached files. The diskettes should be clearly labelled with the authors name and the software used. It is preferable to prepare the materials on MS Windows using programmes Word (text), Excel (graphs) and Corel Draw (scanned images).

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