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Nigerian Food Journal
Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology
ISSN: 0189-7241


The Nigerian Food Journal publishes original research articles on all aspects of Food Science and Technology and closely related topics. Review articles or special reports from industry should preferably be contributed by authorities and experts in the respective fields. Papers accepted become the copyright of the Journal.

Manuscripts: Manuscripts written in English should be typed double-spaced on A4 paper with wide margin (5 cm) on the left and submitted in triplicate to the Editor-in-Chief. A letter of undertaking signed by the principal author must be attached, stating that the submitted paper is not under consideration in part or in full for publication in any other journal. You are required to pay the sum of one thousand naira, (Nl,000.00) as handling charge, for every manuscript submitted for publication. The revised version of the manuscript and the diskette in Microsoft Word should be returned to the Editor or mailed electronically within one month. The E-mail address of the corresponding author should be included in the manuscript. Accepted papers not returned as requested will not be considered in further issues of the journal. Manuscripts/diskette may be withdrawn; or changes can be effected before the typeset. Authors are requested to pay the current year’s page charges when the paper’s acceptance is confirmed.

FORMAT: Manuscripts should normally be divided into distinct sections as follows:

TITLE.: On separate page, title of the article and the authors name and affiliation in capital letters. Running title and lead author should appear on the pages.

ABSTRACT: Not more than 300 words on separate page.

INTRODUCTION: This is to highlight the topic and short-list the objectives of study.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Detail only the uncommon methods, cite others by authors only. Write Latin names fully (in italics), then abbreviate genus names only.





Illustrations and Figures: Each figure should be in Arabic number, for example, Fig.l and marked in pencil on the back with the names of the author(s). Photographs and photomicrographs should be glossy prints marked on the back sufficiently large to permit clear reproduction. Negatives of photographs if available, are preferred, and shall be returned after use. Coloured photographs and micrographs attract extra charges, line diagrams, should be on separate sheets, drawn with black Indian Ink on transparent paper. Scientific measurement should be given in SI unit. Internationally recognized abbreviations may only be used after the long form has been written and explained. Limit the numbers of illustrations only to the most essential ones. Express hours as h, minutes as min, seconds as sec.

Tables: Each table should be given an Arabic number. The title of tables indicated at the top. Each table must be on a separate sheet. The numbers should be limited to the absolutely necessary ones.

References: The list of references should include only those publications, which are cited in the text. References to periodicals must be indicated by author’s name and year in the text, e.g. Ebuehi et al, year and listed alphabetically at the end of the article as follow: name and initials of authors, year of publication in parenthesis, full title of periodicals (e.g. Applied Microbiology), volume and number in Arabic numerals initial and end-page number of article (e.g. 15(2): 130-135). Do not capitalize titles in case of periodical articles. Books should be cited by author(s), if edited.,: indicate after name(s) (Eds). Full title, publisher and place should be given. Citation from books, the author and title of the cited chapter should be given. Indicate the author(s) and title of books, publisher and place, and page numbers: for example, Kirsop, B.E. and Kurtzman. C.P. (Eds) Living Resources for Biotechnology, Yeasts, p 141 - 187. On-line submission of manuscripts for publication consideration and payment of handling and page charges are acceptable.

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