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Iranian Journal of Environmental Health, Science and Engineering
Iranian Association of Environmental Health (IAEH)
ISSN: 1735-1979

Instructions for Authors

The Iranian Journal of Environmental Health Science & Engineering is published by the Iranian Association of Environmental Health. Authors should send their contributions, preferably electronically, to the Editorial Office or Email address:

The Editor-in-Chief,
Iranian Journal of Environmental Health Science & Engineering
P.O.Box: 14185-789
Tel: 0098 21 691 52 32
Fax: 0098 21 691 52 33


1. Contributions submitted to IJEHSE must not have been partly or fully published, or simultaneously submitted for publication elsewhere.
2. Papers must be submitted in English and should be written according to sound grammar and proper terminology.
3. Papers should be submitted with the floppy disk and four printed copies to the Editorial Office or Email address.
4. Authors are advised to consult a current issue of IJEHSE for use of style.


A manuscript normally includes a title, abstract, key words, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion and references.

1. Manuscripts should be typed on one side of an A4 paper with double spacing and 3cm margin at each side. The suitable length of the paper (including tables, figures, references and abstract) is up to 12 pages.

2. Title page: stating the name and full addresses telephone and fax numbers and Email addresses of all authors.

3. Abstract: giving concise factual information about the objective of the work, the methods used, the results obtained and the conclusions reached. A suitable length is about 150 words.

4. Keywords: listing, immediately below abstract, up to 6 key words (not phrases) that identify the main points in the paper.

5. Abbreviation and Notation: must conform to the system of standard SI units. Acronyms and abbreviations must be spelled out in full at their first occurrence in the text. Avoid using them in the title and abstract.

6. References: Must be arranged alphabetically at the end of the paper and referred in the text by author’s name and year of publication founded on the following order:
One writer: (Turlough, 1999).
Two writers: (Wilson and lones, 1993).
Two writers and more than one reference: (Wilson and lones, 1993; MacGillivray and Shiaris, 1994).
Three and more writers: (Volkering et al., 1992)
Three and more writers, more than one reference: (Volkering, 1992; Pignatello and Xing, 1996; Carmicheal et al., 1997; Zhang et al., 1998).
No more than 10-20 recent relevant references are required. They must be listed starting with the name of the author(s), year of publication followed by the title of the referenced paper, the abbreviated name of the periodical, volume number and page numbers.
References should observe the following style:
Article: Hendriksen HV, Ahring BK (1991). Anaerobic degradation of PCP and phenol in fixed –film reactor. Wat Sci Tech, 24 (3): 431-36.
Book: Davis ML, Cornwell DA (1998). Introduction to Environmental Engineering. 3rd ed. McGraw - Hill Inc, pp: 52-68.
Chapter: Sposito G (1993). Surface complexion of metals by natural colloids. In: Ion exchange and solvent extraction. Eds, Marinsky and Marcus. 1st ed, New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc., p. 211.

7. Tables (in limited numbers) should be submitted on separate pages with the captions above.

8. Illustrations (in limited numbers) should be of high quality and on separate pages with the captions below.

9. The same data should not be presented simultaneously in tables, figures and text.

10. The sole responsibility for views and statements expressed in the paper remains only with the author(s).

11. The corresponding author will receive 5 free reprints. Extra copies of the issue may be ordered.

12. Authors requiring the return of their manuscript or original material must make their request known as soon as possible.

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