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Online Resources

Online Resources

Directories, News and Guides to Scientific Information on the web

  • Science Publishing Quick Guide at SciDev.Net - original opinion pieces on the debate on access for developing countries and other features on the different models available
  • African Journals On-Line at INASP - a comprehensive list of journals from Africa including abstracts & T.O.C.
  • Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) - a Directory of Open Access Journals to increase the visibility and ease of use of open access scientific journals.
  • eJDS Web Portal - distributes individual scientific articles via e-mail to scientists in institutions in The Third World Countries who do not have access to sufficient bandwidth to download material from the Internet in a timely manner and/or cannot afford the connection
  • HINARI (Health Internet) - UN/WHO initiative to provide commercial medical journals free to licensed countries in the developing world
  • Latindex - On-line Information of Scientific Magazines from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal
  • PERI - Programme to provide full text international journals online to developing countries at greatly reduced prices or free.
  • SciDev.Net - news, views, and information about science, technology and development
  • SciELO: Scientific Electronic Library Online- a wide selection of journals from Latin American countries

Subject-specific Websites

Resources for Authors

We've compiled a list of organizations and services that we feel will be beneficial to you.
Please contact us if you would like to recommend a site for inclusion on this page, or if you experience any difficulty with any of the links listed here.

Last updated: November 28, 2012

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