Nigerian Society for Experimental Biology
ISSN: 0795-8080
Vol. 20, Num. 2, 2008, pp. 71-75
Biokemistri, Vol. 20, No. 2, Dec, 2008, pp. 71-75
Chemical qualities
of oils from some fresh and market vegetable crops within Kwara State of Nigeria
Israel Sunmola Afolabi
University, College of Science and Technology, Department of Biological
Sciences, Canaan land, Km 10, Idiroko road, P.M.B. 1023, Ota, Ogun State,
E-mail: afolabisunmola@yahoo.com, Tel: +234-8033923264
Received 10 December 2007
Code Number: bk08011
The potential of Nigeria leading Africa and the world in the area of biofuel and oleochemical production was examined
by evaluating the oil yield and chemical qualities of oil extracted from fresh
and market sample of some naturally abundant vegetables (Mangifera indica,
Prunus dulcis Miller, Ricinnus communis, and Elaeis guineensis) in Nigeria. Moisture, ash, and crude fat composition, including the free fatty acid, acid and
saponification values of the oils were determined, high mineral composition of
almond was observed compared to other vegetables. Moisture content of 5.006,
3.500, 4.870, 37.002, 9.147, and 63.650%; crude fat of 59.195, 67.807, 33.490,
32.303, and 12.511, and 0.939%; and ash levels of 4.605, 2.833, 1.903, 1.728,
and 1.305% were reported for seeds obtained from almond, castor, palm kernel,
groundnut, mango and kola nuts respectively. Polymerization and esterification
of fatty acids induced by the hot ambient storage conditions used by our
marketer was attributed to the higher molecular weight of fatty acids in market
sample for groundnut and palm oil over the corresponding fresh sample. High
level of ash content (4.605%) for almond seed was observed, making a good source
of mineral nutrition to consumers. Due to their high oil yield and abundance,
oils from almond seed and castor seed, in addition to palm oil and groundnut
oil may be considered as Nigeria potential asset for biofuel and oleochemical
Keywords: Oil palm seed, Mango seed, Sweet almond seed, Castor
Nigeria is one of the countries of the world with a variety
of oil seeds notably groundnut, oil palm, soyabean and cotton seeds. The
economic importance of oil crops has made it necessary that they be properly
investigated, to ascertain their oil quality parameters, since this is an
important criterion for marketing and processing seed oil1.
Vegetable oils are used principally for food (mostly as shortening, margarines,
and salad and cooking oils) and in the manufacture of soap and detergents, in
paints and varnishes, and for a variety of other industrial items2.
Oil is found in large amounts usually in the seeds of the plants and
occasionally in the fleshy part of the fruits, as in the olive and the oil
palm. Seeds may contain 1-60% oil. The oil is a reserve of high-energy food for
use by the germinating seed, and large amounts of oil are associated with large
amount of protein.
derived from vegetable oil is relatively a new concept worldwide but the idea
has been around for as long as the diesel engine itself. Biodiesel referred to
as a miracle fuel is a fuel that can be made from any fat or vegetable oil3.
It is usually produced from soyabean oil in the U.S. (due to its abundance) and
it works in any diesel engine with few or no modifications and can be blended
with diesel at any level3. Over the last 20years, there has been
considerable progress in utilization of vegetable oils and their derivatives in
the formulation of biolubricants4. The versatility of
vegetable-based fluids and downstream esters is now recognized in research
projects in many areas where a number of applications may not have been
previously possible, but where modification of the equipment or process designs
themselves can enable potential advantages for users4. The products
offer low toxicity, low evaporation rates, low emissions and rapid
health and nutritional benefit of vegetable oil (e.g. coconut oil) especially
as an antiviral, antibacterial and antiprotozoal monoglyceride used by humans
or animals to destroy lipid-coated viruses such as HIV had been reported since
the oil is metabolized in the body to release monolaurin5. Its
importance in food industries as biodiesel had also been reported5.
Uses of oil palm produce in oleochemicals, biodesiel and potent cleaning agent
(methyl ester sulphonates) productions had been reported6.
Technologies to produce polyols from palm oil and palm kernel oil that are
economically competitive to petroleum-based polyols had also been developed6.
oil from Ricinus communis is used in the production of synthetic resins,
plastics, fibers, paints varnishes, and various chemicals including drying oil
and plasticizers. In addition to the uses, castor oil and its derivatives are
used in cosmetics, hair oils, fungi static (fungus growthinhibiting)
compounds, embalming fluid, printing inks, soap, lubricants, greases and
hydraulic fluids, dyeing aids , and textile finishing materials7.
Castor oil consists of almost entirely of the triglycerides ricinoleic acid.
Although it has been taken internally as a cathartic, its use can be harmful.
The fruits are attractive but often are removed before they mature because of
the poison ricin concentrated in their mottled, beanlike seeds7.
are highly toxic protein molecules that are produced by only a small number of
plants. Ricin, a toxalbumin from the castor bean is one of the most toxic substances
known8 since it is poisonous as with the beans it is used as
fertilizer2. The first electricity ever seen had been reported for
castor oil in Brazil9. The growing interest in biodiesel in some
European countries led Brasil ecodiesel to hope that large quantities might be
exported, as is now beginning to happen with the alcohol from sugar cane, which
can also be used to run vehicles.
Nigeria has the potential of leading the world, and sustains
its leading role in Africa in the area of oleochemical and biodiesel production
from vegetable oil. Some potential seed (okra, baobab, sour sap, ogbono,
Gawasa Hausa, oilbean seed, pumkin fruit, walnut, and African bread fruit)
had earlier been reported10. This work also assessed the oil
qualities of some other potential oil crops in Nigeria.
fresh oil palm seed (Elaeis guineensis), the market samples of
the palm oil and groundnut oil were purchased from Ganmo local market at the
outskirt of Ilorin metropolis.Sweet almond(Prunus dulcis
Miller), mango seed(Mangifera indica)and
castor seeds (Ricinus communis) were harvested/or collected within NSPRI
yard, the fresh oil palm seeds were boiled for 30mins to extract the oil. The
floating oil was thereafter decanted and used as fresh palm oil. The resultant
kernel collected was broken to collect the seed. This seeds were grinded using
mortar and pestle and was used as samples for oil analysis. Three replications
were used for each analysis carried out.
content was analyzed by air oven method of AOAC11 and ash content
was determined by igniting the samples at 600°C in a muffle furnace,
the inorganic residues obtained were thereafter expressed as percentage ash
content. Crude fat was determined by grating the samples, and 5.0g of the
grated samples were weighed into a thimble. 250ml round bottom flask that had
been previously dried at 103°C for 30mins and cooled was accurately
from the samples were extracted with petroleum spirit as solvent, using soxhlet
apparatus for six hours. The extracted oils were heated in an oven for 30mins
at 103°C to evaporate the remaining solvent. The samples were
allowed to cool in a desiccator for 3mins after discontinuing the heating
process, and weighed. The resultant oils were afterward expressed as percentage
of the original sample.
of oil samples were put in a glass resistant to alkali action. 25ml of
potassium hydroxide was afterward added to it and boiled under reflux for
60mins while shaking at intervals. 0.5ml of phenolphthalein was added as an
indicator, this was titrated against 0.5N hydrochloric acid while the solution
was still hot to determine the excess of alkali. The results were subjected to
calculation and expressed in mg per g oil sample.
fatty acid and acid value determination
of the extracted oil were weighed into conical flask (f1); 50ml of absolute
ethanol was afterwards put into another flask (f2). The ethanol was boiled to
boiling point and then neutralized with 0.1N potassium hydroxide using 0.5ml
phenolphthalein indicator. The neutralized ethanol was then poured into flask
(f1) and heated to boiling point. While as hot as possible, the solution was
titrated against 0.1N potassium hydroxide until when the addition of a single
drop produces a slight but definite color change (pink) persisting for at least
15seconds. The results were subjected to calculation and expressed in mg per g
oil sample.
qualities of some vegetable oil are as indicated in Table 1. Crude fat for
almond, castor seed, palm kernel, and fresh groundnuts were between the ranges
32.203-67.807%. These amounts may be considered economical for commercial
production of oil in Nigeria. That of mango seed (13.511%) is however low to be
considered an oilseed for commercial purposes, but its uses may not be
discourage due to its high level of wastages. The oil yield (32.303%) from
groundnuts (Arachis hypogaea) in this study is comparable to that
reported for less matured groundnut, but less than that reported for fully
matured groundnut (40-50%)12.
values had been reported to be inversely related to the average molecular
weight of the fatty acids in the oil fractions1. Oil fractions with
saponification values of 200mgKOH/ g and above had been reported to possess low
molecular weight fatty acids1. Therefore, our work reveals that oils
from almond nut, and palm kernel with saponification value of 163.398-191.976
mgKOH/g oil possessed very low molecular weight fatty acids. Closely higher in
molecular weight is that from fresh palm oil with saponification value of
94.406 mgKOH/g oil. While that of castor oil, market sample for both groundnut
and palm oil consists of very high molecular weight fatty acids. The molecular
weight of fatty acids in the market sample of groundnut and palm oil were
evidently higher than that of their corresponding fresh sample. The increase in
molecular weight may be due to the hot ambient storage conditions used by our
marketers, the oils are usually stored in aluminium container for about one
year prior to marketing.
1: Chemical Qualities of Some
Nigerian Oilseed crops
Oilseed |
Moisture content (%) |
Ash content (%) |
Crude fat (%) |
Free fatty acid (mgKOH/g) |
Acidity value (mgKOH/g) |
Saponification value (mgKOH/g) |
Almond nut |
5.006 + 0.093 |
4.605+ 0.001 |
59.195+ .675 |
0.388+ 0.050 |
0.770± 0.099 |
163.398± 15.800 |
Castor seed (Wild) |
3.500 + 0.057 |
2.833+ 0.061 |
67.807+ 0.618 |
0.141± 0.000 |
0.279± 0.000 |
5.582 ±
0.107 |
Palm Kernel seed |
4.870 + 0.141 |
1.903+ 0.039 |
33.490+ 6.162 |
5.297+ 0.885 |
0.834+ 0.004 |
191.976± 3.164 |
Fresh groundnut |
37.002 ± 0.409 |
1.728+ 0.272 |
32.303± 0.488 |
18.225± 0.071 |
36.142± 0.141 |
199.196± 6.965 |
Mango seed |
9.147+ 0.178 |
2.732+ 0.794 |
13.511+ 3.967 |
ND |
ND |
ND |
Kolanuts |
63.650+ 1.811 |
1.305+ 0.272 |
0.939± 0.108 |
ND |
ND |
ND |
Fresh palm oil
(hot water extract) |
3.924± 0.050 |
8.584± 0.109 |
1.249 |
Palm oil (market sample) |
4.926± 0.092 |
10.776± 0.201 |
0.991 |
Groundnut oil (market
sample) |
0.174± 0.047 |
0.345± 0.093 |
3.904 |
= not determined.
storage conditions may induce esterification, and/ or polymerization of the
unsaturated fatty acids present in the oils. Polyunsaturated fatty acids are
very susceptible to polymerization and gum formation caused by oxidation during
storage, or by a complex oxidative and thermal polymerization at the higher
temperature and pressure of combustion13. The increase in unsaturated
fatty acids (palmitic, stearic, and oleic acids) was also reported in bath oils
upon frying14, this may be induced by the heat generated during
value represents free fatty acid content due to enzymatic activity and is
usually indicative of spoilage. Its maximum acceptable level is 4mgKOH/g oil15,
below which the oil is acceptable for consumption. Free fatty acids (FFA) are not present to any significant level in healthy plant cells, but FFA levels of up to
15% (more in very bad cases) is usually found in commercial crude vegetable
oils whether pressed or solvent extracted16. These FFAs are present
as a consequence of cell damage in vegetable tissue during harvesting, storage,
transportion, and must be removed during refining. The cell damage can also be
caused by bruising of fruit, seed freezing and thawing cycling, hot conditions
or microbial activity (e.g. fungal growth) 16.
high moisture content of groundnut (37.002%) may be responsible for its high
perishability, which may explain the high levels of FFA and acid value reported
in this work, despite using a freshly harvested groundnut. Textural factors
including crispness and firmness are influenced by moisture content. Low levels
of moisture and presence of low levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids in almond
had been attributed to its relatively long shelf-life17. The 5.006%
moisture content and 59.195% oil yield reported in this work for almond is
higher than the 4.4% and 52.2% earlier reported for its moisture content and
oil yield respectively17. The result indicates high level of ash
content (4.605%) for almond seed making it a good source of mineral nutrition
to consumers.
oil yield levels (13.511%) reported in this work for mango seed may be useful
in food industries but cannot be considered economical as oilseed when compared
to other vegetable oil. This value is however slightly higher than the 11.0%
earlier reported for the kernel18. However, the mango seed (kernel)
is still underutilized in Nigeria, they are discarded after eaten the pulp and
skin. There is need for more research on its usefulness for human and livestock
conclusion, this result may be useful in forming future oilseed standards in
Nigeria. Oils from almond seed, and castor seed in addition to palm oil, and
groundnut oil due to their high oil yield and abundance may be considered as
Nigeria potential asset for biofuel and oleochemical production.
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© 2008 Nigerian Society for
Experimental Biology