Ciência Florestal
Centro de Pesquisas Florestais - CEPEF, Departamento de Ciências Florestais - DCFL, Programa de Pós Graduação em Engenharia Florestal - PPGEF
ISSN: 0103-9954 EISSN: 0103-9954
Vol. 24, No. 4, 2014, pp. 821-831
Bioline Code: cf14078
Full paper language: English
Document type: Research Article
Document available free of charge
Ciência Florestal, Vol. 24, No. 4, 2014, pp. 821-831
pt |
Schorn, Lauri Amândio; Meyer, Leila; Sevegnani, Lucia; Vibrans, Alexander Christian; Vanessa, Débora; de Gasper, Lingner André Luis; Uhlmann, Alexandre; Verdi, Márcio & Stival-Santos, Anita
O estudo objetivou avaliar a fitossociologia da Floresta Estacional Decidual no Estado de Santa Catarina,
em seus componentes arboreo/arbustivo e regeneracao natural, bem como comparar estes quanto a
composicao floristica e inferir sobre o estadio de conservacao dos remanescentes. Foram usados dados
de 78 unidades amostrais levantadas no Inventario Floristico Florestal do Estado de Santa Catarina. Em
cada unidade amostral foram amostrados os componentes arboreo/arbustivo (DAP ≥ 10 cm) em 4000 m2 e
a regeneracao natural (altura . 1,50 m; DAP < 10 cm) em 100 m2. Foi efetuado o calculo dos parametros
fitossociologicos e indices de diversidade de Shannon e equabilidade, bem como, classificaram-se as
especies quanto ao grupo ecologico. Para verificar a associacao entre os dois componentes executou-se
uma analise de ordenacao NMSD (Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling) seguida do Teste de Mantel.
Foram amostradas 245 especies, sendo 215 no componente arboreo/arbustivo e 79 exclusivas deste, 165 na
regeneracao natural e 30 exclusivas deste e, 136 comuns aos dois componentes. A NMDS apresentou uma
tendencia de associacao entre as matrizes dos dois componentes, o que foi confirmado pelo Teste de Mantel
(r = 0,34; p = 0,001). A composicao floristica, bem como as especies com maiores valores de importancia
se constituiram predominantemente de especies secundarias, fato que evidencia o historico de exploracao e
degradacao da Floresta Estacional Decidual no Estado.
componente arbóreo/arbustivo; estrutura; regeneração natural; sub-bosque
en |
Schorn, Lauri Amândio; Meyer, Leila; Sevegnani, Lucia; Vibrans, Alexander Christian; Vanessa, Débora; de Gasper, Lingner André Luis; Uhlmann, Alexandre; Verdi, Márcio & Stival-Santos, Anita
This study aimed to evaluate the species composition and structure of Seasonal Deciduous Forest in the
southern Brazilian state of Santa Catarina, including the tree/shrub component and the natural regeneration.
We also compared the floristic composition between the components and discussed about the conservation
condition of forests. The study was based on sample plots established by the Floristic and Forest Inventory of Santa Catarina state. Tree/shrub component was sampled by 78 plots placed systematically with 4,000
m2 of sample area each, were individuals with DBH (diameter at breast height) ≥ 10 cm was measured.
Regeneration (DBH <10 cm and height >1.50 m) was sampled in subplots of 100 m2 each. Structure and
diversity of sample plots were analyzed in both components; species were classified by their ecologic
group. To test the association between components was made a Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling
(NMSD) and Mantel test. We sampled 245 species, among them 215 in the tree/shrub component (79 of
them exclusive), 165 species in the natural regeneration (30 exclusive ones) and 136 species common to
the two components. The association between components was confirmed with NMSD and Mantel test (r =
0.34; p = 0.001). Species with major importance value were mostly early secondary species that emphasizes
the consequences of long term exploitation and degradation of Seasonal Deciduous Forest in Santa Catarina.
tree/shrub component; structure; natural regeneration; understory
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