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Revista Científica UDO Agrícola
Universidad de Oriente Press
ISSN: 1317-9152
Vol. 13, No. 1, 2013, pp. 66-70
Bioline Code: cg13008
Full paper language: English
Document type: Note
Document available free of charge

Revista Científica UDO Agrícola, Vol. 13, No. 1, 2013, pp. 66-70

 es Evaluación de extractos acuosos de diferentes especies vegetales para el control in vitro de Xanthomonas axonopodis check for this species in other resources pv. manihotis


Xanthomonas axonopodis check for this species in other resources pv. manihotis es el patógeno que causa mayor daño al cultivo de la yuca. En los últimos años, con el uso de productos de origen natural se ha dado un nuevo enfoque al control de enfermedades incluyendo las bacteriosis. El objetivo fue evaluar el efecto de extractos acuosos de mamón ( Melicocca bijuga check for this species in other resources ), eucalipto ( Eucalyptus globulus check for this species in other resources ), rosa de berbería ( Nerium oleander check for this species in other resources ), cebolla ( Allium cepa check for this species in other resources ) y ajo ( Allium sativum check for this species in other resources ) sobre la bacteriosis de la yuca. Para la preparación de los extractos se utilizaron hojas de mamón, eucalipto y rosa de berbería; bulbos de cebolla y ajo y agua destilada, para el control. Se utilizó el diseño completamente aleatorizado con seis tratamientos, cuatro repeticiones y tres placas por unidad experimental. Los 200 g de cada material vegetal se trituraron con licuadora en 1 L de agua destilada y filtrados en dos capas de gasa. Se utilizó como medio de cultivo papa dextrosa agar (PDA), una vez solidificado el medio, se agregó 0,5 ml de solución bacteriana ajustada a 1,2 x 106 UFC, distribuido uniformemente en la superficie de cada placa, con cuatro aberturas, donde se añadió 0,5 ml de cada extracto. Las evaluaciones del halo de inhibición se realizaron a las 24, 48 y 72 h y sus valores analizados estadísticamente y comparados por la prueba de Tukey a 5% de probabilidad. Todos los extractos vegetales evaluados inhibieron el crecimiento de la bacteria y sus valores promedios fueron similares y difirieron del testigo, con el menor halo de inhibición. Los extractos acuosos de mamón, eucalipto, rosa de berbería, cebolla y ajo se presentan como alternativas válidas para el manejo integrado de la bacteriosis vascular en el cultivo de la yuca.

Xanthomonas sp.; inhibición; control in vitro; bacteriosis; manejo fitosanitario

 en Evaluation of aqueous extracts of various plant species for the in vitro control of Xanthomonas axonopodis check for this species in other resources pv. manihotis


Xanthomonas axonopodis check for this species in other resources pv. manihotis is the pathogen that causes greater damage to the cassava crop. In recent years, with the use of natural products has been given a new approach to the control of diseases including bacterial canker. The objective was to evaluate the effect of aqueous extracts of mammon ( Melicocca bijuga check for this species in other resources ), eucalyptus ( Eucalyptus globulus check for this species in other resources ), rosa of berberia ( Nerium oleander check for this species in other resources ), onion ( Allium cepa check for this species in other resources ) and garlic ( Allium sativum check for this species in other resources ) on the cassava bacterial blight of cassava. For the preparation of extracts, mammon, eucalyptus and rosa of berberia leaves and onion and garlic bulbs were used and distilled water was the control. Fully randomized design was used with six treatments and four replications and three plates per experimental unit. The 200 g of each plant material were mashed with blender in 1 L of distilled water, and filtered in two layers of cheese cloth. PDA was used as culture medium (potato dextrose agar) and once solidified, it was added 0.5 ml of bacterial solution adjusted to 1.2 x 106 cfu, evenly distributed on the surface of each plate, with four openings, where 0.5 ml of each extract were added. The inhibition zone assessments were performed at 24, 48 and 72 h and their values statistically analyzed and compared by Tukey test at 5% probability. All the tested plant extracts inhibited the growth of the bacterial and their average values were similar and differ from the control, with the loweest zone of inhibition. Aqueous extracts of mammon, eucalyptus, rosa of berberia, onion and garlic are presented as alternatives that are valid for the integrated management of vascular bacteriosis in the cultivation of cassava.

Xanthomonas sp.; inhibition; in vitro control; cassava bacterial blight; plant disease management.

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