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Prevalence and predictors of unsolicited exposure to and involvement in online sexual activites among young Internet users in Lagos metropolis
Kunnuji, Michael O.N.
The study draws empirical evidence from adolescents (aged 10 to 19 years) and young adults (20 to 24years) who use the Internet in exploring the relationship between two sets of independent variables - background characteristics and context of Internet use and two sets of dependent variables - unsolicited exposure to online materials with sexual contents, and involvement in online sexual activities. The background characteristics explored in the study are age, sex, autonomy (whether living alone or with parents), access to funds and parent-child communication, while the Internet use context variables are place of access, all-night Internet use and intensity of use. The study reveals that close to half of the subjects had been involved in at least one online sexual activity with intensity and time of Internet use as the strongest predictors of involvement.
Online pornography; unsolicited exposure; online sexual activities; youth sexuality; context of Internet use