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The demographic transition in the Democratic Republic of Congo: facts and challenges to reach a demographic dividend.
Franco-Henao, Laura; Rodriguez-Sumaza, Carmen; Borondo-Arribas, Carlos & Muzigirwa-Muke, Emmanuel
Background: The channels linking the demographic and economic situation of a population are numerous. We focus on the process of a demographic transition and the demographic dividend that Sub-Saharan Africa and, in particular, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), are currently undergoing.
Data source and methods: Secondary data are used to highlight the diverse paths of demographic transition in Sub-Saharan African countries. Additionally, the specific situation of the DRC is selected as a case study.
Results: The potential of Sub-Saharan Africa to enjoy a demographic dividend is exceptional. Although the DRC is in the group of the least advanced countries, its increasing share of working age population is a key to reap the benefits of the potential economic growth.
Conclusion: There are some recent economic and social advancements in the DRC, but the benefits of its demographic performance are dependent on whether government and institutions are capable of responding to current circumstances with targeted, effective and coordinated policies.
demographic transition; demographic dividend; economic growth; public policies; the Democratic Republic of Congo.