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Croatian Medical Association - Rijeka branch
ISSN: 0025-7729
Vol. 43, No. 2, 2007, pp. 101-106
Bioline Code: me07013
Full paper language: Croatian
Document type: Research Article
Document available free of charge

Medicina, Vol. 43, No. 2, 2007, pp. 101-106

 hr Zdravstveno Stanje I Funkcionalnost Žvačnih Jedinica U Djece S Cerebralnom Paralizom
Bakarčić, Danko; Gržić, Renata; Prpić, Igor; Mikić, Vlatka; Ivančić-Jokić, Nataša & Majstorović, Martina

Cilj je ovoga rada bio istražiti ima li razlike između djece s cerebralnom paralizom (CP) i zdrave djece, s obzirom na zdravstveno stanje zuba i funkcionalnost žvačnih jedinica. U djece s CP-om, narušena funkcija žvačnoga sustava uzrokuje otežano žvakanje, te posljedično smanjeno samočišćenje. Zbog otežana žvakanja ta djeca dugotrajno jedu kašastu hranu, što pogoduje pojavi karijesa. Broj funkcionalnih žvačnih jedinica pokazuje broj zdravih zuba i zuba s karijesom u kontaktu s antagonistima koje dijete može koristiti za žvakanje.

Usporedbom KEP/kp (karijes, ekstrakcija, plomba) indeksa, pokazalo se da u obolijevanju zuba između skupina djece s CP-om i zdrave djece, statistički nema bitne razlike. Dok zdrava djeca imaju statistički zamjetno veći broj ispunima saniranih zuba u odnosu prema djeci s CP-om, u djece s CP-om bitno je zastupljenija ekstrakcija. S obzirom na ostale komponente KEP indeksa, između tih dviju skupina djece nisu ustanovljene statistički bitne razlike.

Također, usporedba broja funkcionalnih žvačnih jedinica nije pokazala statistički bitnu razliku vezanu uz funkcionalne žvačne jedinice između navedenih dviju skupina. Komponenta nesaniranoga karijesa zastupljenija je u odnosu prema komponentama ekstrakcije i saniranja ispunima, što ukazuje na nedovoljnu kurativnu skrb u sve djece.

Rana i dobro organizirana pedijatrijsko-stomatološka preventivna skrb za djecu s CP-om, imperativ je za smanjenje kako oboljenja zuba tako i cijeloga stomatognatoga sustava, te održavanje njegova zdravlja za tu ionako rizičnu skupinu djece.

cerebralna paraliza; karijes; žvačne jedinice, KEP/kp indeks

 en Health Condition And Function Of Masticatory Units In Children With Cerebral Palsy
Bakarčić, Danko; Gržić, Renata; Prpić, Igor; Mikić, Vlatka; Ivančić-Jokić, Nataša & Majstorović, Martina


The purpose of this study was to assess the difference in dental health condition and function of masticatory units among children with cerebral palsy (CP) and healthy children. Altered function of masticatory system in children with CP causes the mastication problems that lead to low level of oral cavity self-cleaning. These conditions cause long-term mushy food consumption which leads to increased caries development. Number of functional masticatory units is the number of sound teeth or teeth with caries lesions in occlusion with antagonists that can be used for mastication.

Comparing the results of the DMFT/dft (decayed, missing, filled teeth) index values there is no statistically significant difference between children with CP and healthy children. Healthy children had statistically significant major number of filled teeth than children with CP, while in children with CP was major number of extractions.

There is no statistically significant difference between examined and control group regarding other components of DMFT/dft index.

Comparison of number of functional masticatory units showed no statistically significant difference between groups.

D component of DMFT index which show untreated caries lesions is higher than filling and extraction component. This points to unsatisfactory level of curative measures performed in all children.

Early and well organised preventive care lead by cooperation of pediatric and denal health service is imperative to decrease the level of oral and dental diseases aswell as whole masticatory system and for maintainig the good oral health for that population.

cerebral palsy; caries; masticatory units; DMFT/dft index

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