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Croatian Medical Association - Rijeka branch
ISSN: 0025-7729
Vol. 45, No. 1, 2009, pp. 60-64
Bioline Code: me09008
Full paper language: Croatian
Document type: Review Article
Document available free of charge

Medicina, Vol. 45, No. 1, 2009, pp. 60-64

 hr Kronična opstruktivna plućna bolest – multisistemska bolest
Matanić, Dubravka; Flego, Veljko; Barković, Igor; Zeba, Ivica; Kupanovac, Željko & Bulat-Kardum, Ljiljana

Kronična opstruktivna plućna bolest (KOPB) složena je bolest, obilježena opstrukcijom u dišnim putevima uzrokovanom promjenama u dišnim putevima i plućnom parenhimu. Posljedica je dugotrajne inhalacije toksičnih čestica i plinova koji pokreću lokalnu i sistemsku upalu. Morfološke i ireverzibilne funkcionalne promjene posljedica su upale na razini dišnih puteva, plućnog parenhima i krvnih žila. Upalne se promjene mogu dokazati i u sistemskoj cirkulaciji. Sistemne upalne promjene značajno pridonose patofiziologiji brojnih izvanplućnih, sistemskih posljedica KOPB-a. Shvaćanje KOPB-a kao multisustavne bolesti pridonijelo je boljem razumijevanju i novom kliničkom pristupu ovoj kroničnoj bolesti.

kronična opstruktivna bolest pluća; sistemska bolest; upala

 en Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease – multisistemic disease
Matanić, Dubravka; Flego, Veljko; Barković, Igor; Zeba, Ivica; Kupanovac, Željko & Bulat-Kardum, Ljiljana


Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a disease of the lungs characterized by chronic airflow obstruction, secondary to the presence of specific structural abnormalities of the airways and the pulmonary parenchima. The etiology of the airway obstruction and emphysematous destruction that cause airway limitation is the persistent lung tissue injury produced by the chronic inhalation of toxic particles and gases. These structural abnormalities are associated with an inflammatory reaction of airways, alveoli and pulmonary vessels. This abnormal inflammatory reaction can also be detected in the systemic circulation. The systemic inflammation contributes significantly to the pathobiology of numerous extrapulmonary effects of the disease, systemic effects of COPD. The interplay between the intrapulmonary and extrapulmonary effects of COPD has important clinical outcomes.

chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; inflammation; systemic disease

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