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Tuberculosis Drug Resistance and Outcomes among Tuberculosis Inpatients in Lilongwe, Malawi
Vorkas, Charles; Kayira, Dumbani; Charles, van der Horst; Irving, Hoffman; Mina, Hosseinipour; Kanyemba, Creto; Nguluwe, Nelson; Chikaonda, Tarsizio; Kalikhoka, Maximina; Kalaundi, Doreen; Namarika, Dan; Gilligan, Peter & Krysiak, Robert
Setting/Objective: We evaluated clinical characteristics, yield of solid
vs. liquid culture, polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based drug-resistance
profiles, and clinical outcomes of tuberculosis (TB) inpatients in Lilongwe,
Design: We enrolled adult patients admitted to the Bwaila TB Ward from
Jan-Aug/2010. Evaluations included questionnaires, clinical exam, chest
radiograph, HIV status, CD4 lymphocyte count, plasma HIVRNA and
sputum analysis including Auramine-O stain, Lowenstein-Jensen (LJ) and
Mycobacterial Growth Indicator Tube (MGIT) culture, and susceptibility
testing using the HAIN GenoType® MTBDRplus.
Results: Eighty-eight patients were enrolled (88% re-treatment, 42%
smear positive, 93% pulmonary TB, 74% HIV co-infected). At baseline,
44/88 (50%) MGIT and 28 (32%) LJ cultures were positive with a mean
time to positivity of 12.1 (Range 1-42) and 21.5 (Range 7-58) days,
respectively. Four percent (3/77) of retreatment patients or 8% of the
38 MGIT+ PCR-confirmed retreatment cases had multi-drug resistant
tuberculosis (MDR TB). One MDR TB patient was smear negative and
only one MDR patient was identified with LJ. Lower mean hemoglobin
at admission was associated with mortality (10.5 vs. 7.5; p<0.01; CI 101
Conclusions: The MDR TB burden among the retreatment population in
Lilongwe, Malawi is similar to regional estimates by the WHO (7.7% 95%
CI 0-18.1). MDR TB patients are not routinely identified with sputum
smear or LJ, suggesting more efficient technology should be adopted.