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Revista Colombia Médica
Universidad del Valle - Facultad de Salud
ISSN: 0120-8322
EISSN: 0120-8322
Vol. 42, No. 3, 2011, pp. 303-308
Bioline Code: rc11053
Full paper language: English
Document type: Research Article
Document available free of charge

Revista Colombia Médica, Vol. 42, No. 3, 2011, pp. 303-308

 en Prevalence of school desertion during teenage pregnancy from public schools in Valle del Cauca, 2006


Background: In this study, based on the educational institution, we investigated the relationship between teen pregnancy and school dropout rates and how this influenced the school grade and age of pregnant women as a risk of truancy.
Materials and methods: A voluntary survey was carried out in 180 public education institutions from the Department of Valle del Cauca, corresponding to a total of 112,470 female students, finding 605 pregnant women. From these, 564 were interviewed by a psychology professional at the beginning of the academic period, and monitored throughout the school year, identifying the school dropouts in this group.
Results: We found that 24.6% of pregnant teenagers attending school dropped out during the academic period (8 times higher than the expected dropout rate in females). By analyzing the information, it was found that pregnant school girls between 16 and 18 years of age dropped out significantly less (p value = 0.011 <0.05) than those between 12 and 15 years of age, and that with the lowest school grade level reached there was higher probability of dropping out (p <0.001); this being the key element as a risk factor.
Conclusions: Considering that the risk of dropping out as result of pregnancy is higher in school between the ages of 12 and 15 years, it should be encouraged efforts of pregnancy prevention mainly in the lower grades of high school with the intention of increasing academic and social opportunities in the group of young people.

Teenage pregnancy; Student dropouts; Prevalence.

 es Prevalencia de deserción escolar en embarazadas adolescentes de instituciones educativas oficiales del Valle del Cauca, Colombia, 2006


Antecedentes: Partiendo de la institución educativa, se investigó la relación entre embarazo adolescente y deserción escolar y como influía el grado escolar y la edad de la embarazada en su riesgo de deserción.
Materiales y métodos: Se aplicó una encuesta voluntaria en 180 instituciones educativas oficiales del departamento del Valle del Cauca, correspondiente a 112,470 estudiantes mujeres, encontrando 605 embarazadas. De estas, a 564 se les realizó una entrevista por un profesional en psicología al inicio del período académico y seguimiento a lo largo del año lectivo, identificando las deserciones escolares en este grupo.
Resultados: Del total de las adolescentes escolarizadas embarazadas, 24.6% desertaron de su institución educativa durante el período (8 veces el porcentaje de deserción escolar esperada en mujeres). Al analizar la información se encontró que las escolarizadas embarazadas en edades entre 16 y 18 años desertan significativamente menos (p=0.011 <0.05) que aquellas entre 12 y 15 años, y que a menor grado escolar alcanzado al momento de embarazarse, mayor posibilidad de desertar (p<0.001), siendo este el elemento clave como factor de riesgo.
Conclusiones: Teniendo en cuenta que el riesgo de deserción a causa del embarazo es mayor en las escolares en edades entre los 12 y 15 años, se deben incentivar acciones de prevención del embarazo principalmente en los grados inferiores de secundaria con la intención de aumentar las posibilidades académicas y sociales del grupo de jóvenes.

Embarazo; Adolescente; Prevalencia; Deserción escolar.

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