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Revista Colombia Médica
Universidad del Valle - Facultad de Salud
ISSN: 0120-8322
EISSN: 0120-8322
Vol. 45, No. 3, 2014, pp. 117-121
Bioline Code: rc14020
Full paper language: English
Document type: Research Article
Document available free of charge

Revista Colombia Médica, Vol. 45, No. 3, 2014, pp. 117-121

 en Practice of preventive dentistry for nursing staff in primary care
Jiménez-Báez, María Valeria; Acuña-Reyes, Raquel; Cigarroa-Martínez, Didier; Ureña-Bogarín, Enrique & Orgaz-Fernández, Jose David


Objectives: Determine the domain of preventive dentistry in nursing personnel assigned to a primary care unit.
Methods: Prospective descriptive study, questionnaire validation, and prevalence study. In the first stage, the questionnaire for the practice of preventive dentistry (CPEP, for the term in Spanish) was validated; consistency and reliability were measured by Cronbach’s alpha, Pearson’s correlation, factor analysis with intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC). In the second stage, the domain in preventive dental nurses was explored.
Results: The overall internal consistency of CPEP is α= 0.66, ICC= 0.64, CI95%: 0.29-0.87 (p >0.01). Twenty-one subjects in the study, average age 43, 81.0% female, average seniority of 12.5 were included. A total of 71.5% showed weak domain, 28.5% regular domain, and there was no questionnaire with good domain result. The older the subjects were, the smaller the domain; female nurses showed greater mastery of preventive dentistry (29%, CI95%: 0.1-15.1) than male nurses. Public health nurses showed greater mastery with respect to other categories (50%, CI95%: 0.56-2.8).
Conclusions: The CDEP has enough consistency to explore the domain of preventive dentistry in health-care staff. The domain of preventive dentistry in primary care nursing is poor, required to strengthen to provide education in preventive dentistry to the insured population.

Preventive dentistry; level of knowledge; nurses

 es Práctica de la estomatología preventiva por el personal de enfermería en atención primaria
Jiménez-Báez, María Valeria; Acuña-Reyes, Raquel; Cigarroa-Martínez, Didier; Ureña-Bogarín, Enrique & Orgaz-Fernández, Jose David


Objetivos: Determinar el dominio sobre estomatologia preventiva en personal de enfermeria adscrito a una unidad de atencion primaria.
Metodos: Estudio descriptivo prospectivo, validacion de cuestionario y estudio de prevalencia. En la primera etapa, se valido el cuestionario para la practica de estomatologia preventiva (CPEP), se midio consistencia y fiabilidad mediante Alpha de Cronbach, correlacion de Pearson, analisis factorial con el coeficiente de correlacion intraclase (CCI). En la segunda etapa, se exploro el dominio de Estomatologia preventiva en enfermeras.
Resultados: La consistencia interna global del CPEP es α= 0.66, CCI= 0.64 IC95%: 0.29-0.87 (p> 0.01). Se incluyeron 21 sujetos en el estudio, promedio de edad 43 anos, 81.0% del sexo femenino, antiguedad laboral media de 12.5. El 71.5% con dominio malo, 28.5% regular y no existio ningun cuestionario con resultado bueno. A mayor edad menor dominio; las enfermeras mostraron un dominio mayor de estomatologia preventiva (29%, IC95%: 0.1-15.1) que los enfermeros. Enfermeras especialistas en salud publica mostraron un dominio mayor con respecto a las otras categorias (50%, IC95%: 0.56-2.8).
Conclusiones: El CDEP tiene une consistencia suficiente para explorar el dominio de estomatologia preventiva en personal del area de la salud. El dominio sobre estomatologia preventiva en enfermeria de atencion primaria es malo; se precisa fortalecer para otorgar educacion en estomatologia preventiva a la poblacion derechohabiente.

Estomatología preventiva; nivel de conocimientos; enfermeras

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