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African Journal of Reproductive Health
Women's Health and Action Research Centre
ISSN: 1118-4841
Vol. 5, No. 1, 2001, pp. 50-55
Bioline Code: rh01006
Full paper language: English
Document type: Research Article
Document available free of charge

African Journal of Reproductive Health, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2001, pp. 50-55

 en Prevalence of Gardnerella vaginalis check for this species in other resources in Pregnant Nigerian Women
JIB Adinma, NR Okwoli, Agbai and N Unaeze


The prevalence of Gardnerella vaginalis check for this species in other resources in the genital tract of 253 pregnant Nigerian women was 17.0 % (43). The highest prevalence occurred among women aged 16-20 years (26%) while the lowest occurred among those aged 31-35 years (13%). Women aged 30 years and below had an overall prevalence of 18.2% while those above 30 years had a prevalence rate of 12.7%. This difference was not significant (c2 = 0.66; p = 0.42). There was a dedine in the prevalence rate of G. vaginalis with increasing gestational age being 18.2% for pre-term gestational age (i.e., below 37 weeks) and 12.0% for term gestational age (37-42 weeks), although the difference was also not significant (χ22 = 1.13; p > 0.5). Similarly, a non-significant decline in the prevalence of Gardnerella vaginalis occurred with increasing parity from 19% in the primigravida to 6.5% in the grandmultipara (χ22 =2.81; p = 0.246). No definite trend occurred in the prevalence of G. vaginalis for social class (χ24 =3.2 p = 0.525). The pattern of prevalence of Gardnerella vaginalis in the genital tract in pregnancy suggests an indirect relationship with pregnancy sexuality, which needs to be corroborated with further larger studies.

Adolescent boys, reproductive health services, information, contraceptives, sexually transmitted infections, Ghana

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