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African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines
African Ethnomedicines Network
ISSN: 0189-6016
Vol. 8, No. 3, 2011, pp. 296-299
Bioline Code: tc11037
Full paper language: English
Document type: Research Article
Document available free of charge

African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines, Vol. 8, No. 3, 2011, pp. 296-299

 en Anticholinesterase Activity Of Endemic Plant Extracts From Soqotra
Bakthir, Hussein; Ali, Nasser A. Awadh; Arnold, Norbert; Teichert, Axel & Wessjohann, Ludger


A total of 30 chloroform and methanol extracts from the following endemic Soqotran plants Acridocarpus socotranus check for this species in other resources Olive, Boswellia socotranao check for this species in other resources Balf.fil, Boswellia elongata check for this species in other resources Balf. fil., Caralluma socotrana check for this species in other resources N. Br, Cephalocroton socotranus check for this species in other resources Balf.f, Croton socotranus check for this species in other resources Balf. fil.., Dendrosicycos socotrana check for this species in other resources Balf.f., Dorstenia gigas check for this species in other resources Schweinf. ex Balf. fil., Eureiandra balfourii check for this species in other resources Cogn. & Balf. fil., Kalanchoe farinaceae check for this species in other resources Balf.f, Limonium sokotranum check for this species in other resources (Vierh) Radcl. Sm), Oldenlandia pulvinata check for this species in other resources , Pulicaria diversifolia check for this species in other resources ( Balf. and Pulicaria stephanocarpa check for this species in other resources Balf. were screened for their acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity by using in vitro Ellman method at 50 and 200 µg/ml concentrations. Chloroform extracts of Croton socotranus, Boswellia socotrana, Dorstenia gigas, and Pulicaria stephanocarpa as well as methanol extracts of Eureiandra balfourii exhibited inhibitory activities higher than 50 % at concentration of 200 ·g. At a concentrations of 50 ·g, the chloroform extract of Croton socotranus exhibited an inhibition of 40.6 %.

plant extracts, acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, Soqotra, Alzheimer’s disease

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