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Nigerian Society for Experimental Biology
ISSN: 0795-8080
Vol. 20, No. 2, 2008, pp. 71-75
Bioline Code: bk08011
Full paper language: English
Document type: Research Article
Document available free of charge

Biokemistri, Vol. 20, No. 2, 2008, pp. 71-75

 en Chemical qualities of oils from some fresh and market vegetable crops within Kwara State of Nigeria
Afolabi, Israel Sunmola


The potential of Nigeria leading Africa and the world in the area of biofuel and oleochemical production was examined by evaluating the oil yield and chemical qualities of oil extracted from fresh and market sample of some naturally abundant vegetables ( Mangifera indica check for this species in other resources , Prunus dulcis check for this species in other resources Miller, Ricinnus communis check for this species in other resources , and Elaeis guineensis check for this species in other resources ) in Nigeria. Moisture, ash, and crude fat composition, including the free fatty acid, acid and saponification values of the oils were determined, high mineral composition of almond was observed compared to other vegetables. Moisture content of 5.006, 3.500, 4.870, 37.002, 9.147, and 63.650%; crude fat of 59.195, 67.807, 33.490, 32.303, and 12.511, and 0.939%; and ash levels of 4.605, 2.833, 1.903, 1.728, and 1.305% were reported for seeds obtained from almond, castor, palm kernel, groundnut, mango and kola nuts respectively. Polymerization and esterification of fatty acids induced by the hot ambient storage conditions used by our marketer was attributed to the higher molecular weight of fatty acids in market sample for groundnut and palm oil over the corresponding fresh sample. High level of ash content (4.605%) for almond seed was observed, making a good source of mineral nutrition to consumers. Due to their high oil yield and abundance, oils from almond seed and castor seed, in addition to palm oil and groundnut oil may be considered as Nigeria potential asset for biofuel and oleochemical production.

Oil palm seed, Mango seed, Sweet almond seed, Castor seed

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