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Zootecnia Tropical
Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrícolas Venezuela
ISSN: 0798-7269
Vol. 29, No. 4, 2011, pp. 399-410
Bioline Code: zt11035
Full paper language: English
Document type: Research Article
Document available free of charge

Zootecnia Tropical, Vol. 29, No. 4, 2011, pp. 399-410

 en Efficiency, condition index and reproductive effort of the green mussel Perna viridis check for this species in other resources in bottom culture in the Gulf of Cariaco, Sucre state, Venezuela
Acosta, Vanesa; Prieto, Antulio; Licett, Berenice; Longart, Yelipza & Montes, Marbelis


The condition index, yield and reproductive effort of Perna viridis check for this species in other resources in bottom culture in the Gulf of Cariaco were evaluated. Seeds with antero-posterior length 35.81 ± 1.41 mm SD, were obtained in Guaca, located on the north coast of Sucre state, and later transferred to the Hydrobiological Station of Turpialito where they were planted by triplicate of 30 mussels in "Spanish" baskets which were fixed to the bottom at a depth of 5 meters. Fortnightly temperature records were obtained of chlorophyll a, salinity, oxygen, and total and organic seston. Monthly evaluations were performed dissecting the tissues (muscle, gonads and other tissues) and determining the length of the shell on its dorsal-ventral axis to estimate growth. The gonad weight exerted a marked influence on condition index, reproductive effort and meat yield, as these indices reached their highest values in the months when there was greater gonad production. The latter was associated to food abundance in the environment. In general, P. viridis presented an excellent physiological condition, reflected in the high production of gonad and somatic tissue. The gonad weight exerted and marked influence on the condition index, yield and reproductive effort reached their maximum values in the months when there was greater gonad production associated with food present in the medium. After 7 months of culture and with a size of about 7 cm, P. viridis showed an excellent physiological condition, reflected in the high production of gonad and somatic tissue.

Growth, bottom culture, environmental factors, physiological indices, green mussel.

 es Rendimiento, índice de condición y esfuerzo reproductivo del mejillón verde Perna viridis check for this species in other resources en cultivo de fondo en el Golfo de Cariaco, estado Sucre, Venezuela
Acosta, Vanesa; Prieto, Antulio; Licett, Berenice; Longart, Yelipza & Montes, Marbelis


Se evaluó el índice de condición, rendimiento y esfuerzo reproductivo de Perna viridis check for this species in other resources en cultivo de fondo en el golfo de Cariaco. Las semillas con longitud antero-posterior 35,81 ± 1,41 mm DE, fueron obtenidas en la localidad de Guaca, ubicada en la costa norte del estado Sucre y luego trasladadas hasta la estación hidrobiológica de Turpialito donde se sembraron por triplicado 30 mejillones en cestas "españolas", las cuales fueron fi jadas al fondo a una profundidad de cinco metros. Quincenalmente se obtuvieron registros de temperatura, clorofi la a, salinidad, oxígeno, seston total y orgánico. Mensualmente se procedió a disecar los tejidos (músculo, gónadas y resto de tejidos) y determinar la longitud de la concha en su eje dorso-ventral, para estimar el crecimiento. El peso de la gónada ejerció una marcada infl uencia sobre el índice de condición, esfuerzo reproductivo y rendimiento de la carne, ya que dichos índices alcanzaron sus máximos valores en los meses cuando hubo mayor producción gonádica, asociados con el alimento presente en el medio. Una vez transcurridos siete meses de cultivo y con una talla aproximada de 7 cm, P. viridis presentó una excelente condición fi siológica, reflejada en la alta producción gonádica y de tejido somático.

Crecimiento, cultivo de fondo, factores ambientales, índices de condición fi siológica, mejillón.

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